To Space, AWS, Xero APIs and beyond

Workshop (120 mins)
Workshop Room (Room 316B)

Unleash the power of AWS with this workshop that will teach you how to build your own functional web server that will handle 8 to 10 million hits a day.

Covering the ins and outs of what to do for a basic LEMP (Linux, NGINX, MySQL/MariaDB, Python/PHP/Perl) stack on a AWS micro we will build and configure a web ready server that you can use for everything from personal portfolio to projects and more.

Things you will need: A computer with macOS/Linux, or Windows with PuTTY, some command line experience (not overly necessary). Prior to coming to the workshop please set up an account at

Steven CooperXero

As a Senior Evangelist at Xero Steven Cooper is responsible for working with the strong global developer community, to develop and nurture the healthy start-up culture that continues to flourish across the region.

Among his activities in the international community Steven has helped run the acclaimed BattleHack series for PayPal/Braintree all over the world. An international speaker and mentor that has been a part of events throughout the world he loves to share knowledge and help support and grow developer communities.

Over the last 20 years, Steven has worked as a senior developer/tech lead for a host of start-ups and as a developer analyst for more than 10 years with Sensis. He has configured and spec’d mass production technology hardware for the likes of Samsung, Virgin, Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Visa, St. George and Westpac.

Steven hopes to align businesses with the most appropriate solutions – products that deliver efficiency, flexibility and enable scalability.