Saturday 1 October

To Space, AWS, Xero APIs and beyond

Unleash the power of AWS with this workshop that will teach you how to build your own functional web server that will handle 8 to 10 million hits a day.

Covering the ins and outs of what to do for a basic LEMP (Linux, NGINX, MySQL/MariaDB, Python/PHP/Perl) stack on a AWS micro we will build and configure a web ready server that you can use for everything from personal portfolio to projects and more.

Mental Health in Development (or Ouch! Stop hitting yourself)

This talk will explore the various mental health pressures and impacts that development can have, as well as the strategies developers, and their workplaces, can use to deal with them to support those who may be suffering.

Many conversations have been started about mental health in technology, and it is important for these to continue. Parts of the development process can sometimes lead to situations where looking after yourself can be difficult and it is important not only to be able to minimise the risk of these, but to be able to recognise them and find ways out of them.

The Digital Service Standard: building useful services, in government and elsewhere

Writing useful production-quality software is hard. It's easy enough to knock a simple proof-of-concept together in a weekend but once you have to make it robust things get a little more complicated. You have to start tackling questions like: does it perform well enough? What happens if the database goes down? Are there any security vulnerabilities? And then the less technical (but just as important) questions, like can people figure out how to use it? Can a colour blind person use it? Can a visually or mobility impaired person use it?

An approach for deciding what to learn in software development

Given the rapid state of change in the IT industry learning is extremely important in creating a successful career. Many people talk about how to learn but the question of "what to learn?" is sometimes overlooked. To be able to complete more complex projects what you need to learn may not be straightforward. Even given the same project what you prioritize learning will vary from industry to industry. By outlining a way to think about these learning situations I hope to give people another way to prioritize their learning and mentoring.

Striking off on your own (or life skills for the real world)

Congratulations on reaching the end of your degree! What are you going to do now? Perhaps you've seen all of the employers lining up at various careers days, and you've created a list of your preferences. Yet, there's always one or two, who after the freedom of university wish to maintain that freedom and perhaps run their own business rather than submit to the dictates of others.

An Introduction to Functional Programming

Rampant side effects.

The shifting sands of mutable state beneath your feet.

Enter Functional Programming.

Functional Programming helps you write more clear, maintainable and testable code.

This talk will cover the core principles of functional programming, how they relate to techniques you probably already use, the benefits they can offer and how to introduce them to other developers.

The code examples will be in Python.

Making the most of your time at university

University can sometimes be overly theoretical and may not get you as excited as it should to enter an ever growing and amazing industry. Employers are saying that they value extracurricular activities, completed projects, passion for the industry and experience above the piece of paper- after all, everyone applying for that job has one. (
